Technology implements algorithms for natural language processing, topic detection, opinion mining, text summarization and sentiment analysis. The following table presents the main modules of our platform.

Web Crawling Rankur has developed a distributed web crawler to monitor what people say about you and your competitors on the Internet. Our web crawler is analogical to the ones of other search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing with one difference – it spots important web sites for your saved searches (your brand, personal name etc.) and monitors them in almost real time. That is why we are among the first to detect new mentions on the Web. The web crawler reads more than 30’000’000 pages per day and analyses their content. It is impossible to do that manually.
Text filtering and extraction We implement technologies for Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Human Language Technologies (HLT) which allow us to filter important information from spam and links. Rankur is a member of the Association for Computational Linguistics (
Text analysis and classification With more than two years of research in the field of sentiment analysis and opinion mining we have trained an algorithm for automatic text classification. It saves you time for discovering positive and negative mentions and topics related to your name or products.
Data Warehouse Our Data Warehouse is the place where the gathered and indexed information is stored. It serves as support for our Web application and for reporting the results to you. We currently have collected over 4’000’000’000 internet pages and we refresh their content regularly.
Web Application You log in to our web application at the following address: The application allows you to monitor your saved searches, track mentions about your name, brand, products (or your competitors’) and listen actively to your customers.


If you have any further questions about our technology do not hesitate to contact us at