Top 10 nightclubs in the UK on social media 2011
rankur has collected data about the restaurants, clubs and bars all over the UK and presents a survey of the most famous nightclubs among the online community! There are currently some 467 359 online reviews collected and ~1 246 000 online discussions on the subject, dated up to one year ago.
Clubs ordered by number of online reviews:
- The Valmont club, London, with an average sentiment rating of 4.1 stars!
- Rumi Bar, London, with an average rating of 4.0 stars!
- The Peacock Bar, London, with an average rating of 3.3 stars.
- Mahiki, London, with an average rating of 2.8 stars.
- Tiger Tiger, London, with an average rating of 2.6 stars.
- Oceana, Surrey, Surrey, with an average rating of 2.8 stars.
- The Loft, London, with an average rating of 4.0 stars!
- Metra Bar & Club, London, with an average rating of 3.0 stars.
- Vendome Club, London, with an average rating of 2.7 stars.
- funkybuddha, London, with an average rating of 2.6 stars.
Having a look at the figures it looks like the user rating is proportional to the online discussions (or ‘buzz’) and we may predict that The Loft will move up in the next months. Stay tuned to our blog or twitter account to get an update soon!
Here is an automatic summary of the most discussed features of these clubs. As you see, although there are a lot of complains, the fun and great time dominate their customers’ experience.
Our social media monitoring tool – rankur implements technologies for natural language processing, feature extraction and web crawling. It has put into practice algorithms for automatic sentiment recognition and opinion mining. Its statistics rely both on reviews that are explicitly marked from 0 to 5 stars by their authors and on automatically estimated sentiment in reviews.
Want to list the clubs in your city? Leave us a message or comment this page and we’ll post a research for your city or a particular club!